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Everyone deserves empathy

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Goal statement

By the end of this speech, I would like my audience to understand the nature of mental illnesses and the gift of empathy

Attention statement

  • It is unjust to blame someone for a biological condition they have no control over


  • There are no explanations for the mutations in someone’s brain
  • Everyone talks about depression, anxiety and eating disorders, but no one acknowledges the 200 other mental illnesses in the world
  • How can we show empathy towards someone when we can be so ignorant and entitled to understand that an individual may be living with a mental illness?
  • So, by the end of this speech, I would like you to think about a time you might’ve thought someone was acting irrationally, and then consider putting mental health into the equation


  • The human brain lets us perceive and attempt to understand the world around us
  • People continue to find new discoveries on how the mind functions and fails
  • I am going to give you an example of a story where a man I knew was acting peculiar
  • This individual went on a trip with my friends a while back
  • He expresses typical behaviour; he is well-liked and generally has a lot of friends
  • Out of nowhere, he has recently been posting pictures of people he went to school with
  • He was harassing these individuals by exposing their secrets, conversations they had and photographs of them
  • Keep in mind, these people were his friends
  • I later found out that he is actually living with a mental illness and is experiencing psychosis
  • One of my best friends was featured in his story
  • Before we knew what he was going through, she was disturbed how someone could post such spiteful comments about the people he cared about
  • Some people go through traumatic experiences that can mentally scar them for life
  • Some people struggle with the misuse of drugs but that does not mean they WANT to abuse a substance
  • Some people may try it once and have a hard time quitting
  • Some people are just genetically prone to be living with a mental illness
  • However, don’t think I am appropriating bad behaviour
  • There are ways to cope with a mental illness
  • An important note is to be kind to everyone


  • I would like to remind everyone to not lash out and jump to conclusions about someone
  • To ultimately understand the nature of mental illnesses and to not blame them for their irrational behaviour
  • Next time, when someone has hurt you, try understanding it from their perspective and aim to be supportive and non-judgemental
  • The treatment of mental illnesses has been hindered by the sense that these disorders of emotion, behaviour and thinking lack legitimacy and instead reflect poor life choices and individual weakness
  • But this is not the case, as I argued before, we need to acknowledge that everyone is experiencing other issues in their life
  • Everyone deserves empathy

Residual message

  • The impact of mental illness and addiction on public health has been limited to addressing this problem
  • Change the problem by giving empathy