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Tesla's approach to a safe and healthy work environment

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Tesla, Inc. wants to embark on a new internal communications policy to manage rumours about COVID-19 company wide. Our mission is to maintain a good relationship with not only our staff but our stockholders as well.

The management of Tesla encourages you to provide any concerns regarding the new communications policy because your health and safety is our priority.

Reconciliation and transitions to new policy

Tesla received negative backlash when we failed to properly communicate with our employees about COVID-19 regulations. The management of Tesla sincerely apologizes for the leniency of restrictions and the lack of enforcement during this difficult time.

  • Our protective measures meet the state and federal guidelines.
  • We profusely work hard to ensure everything is sanitized and everyone is partaking in social distancing.
  • With COVID-19 still at risk, we offer all employees a paid 14-day COVID sick leave who are in quarantine or have been in contact with someone who is tested positive.

A Tesla employee with company's prototype for COVID-19

“As someone who lives with people at high risk of COVID-19, I was offered as much time needed,” said Bailey Cod, worker at the Gigafactory in Fremont, Calif. “I came back two months ago when I finally felt comfortable and there were no repercussions.”

Tesla recognizes employees who help to keep each other accountable to follow our safety protocols.

Establishing new communications policy for COVID-19

Many of you have reached out to ask what Tesla is doing to control safety measures in our work environment. Below outlines the safety guidelines for all employees returning back to work.

  • Reduced shuttle capacity
  • Implemented touchless services and company wide procedures for confirmed cases
  • Increased cleaning in work areas, customer areas and buses
  • Providing disinfectants accessible to everyone

Heart and soul of Tesla

Since the beginning of COVID-19 we have fought to keep our factories open because “breaking people’s freedoms in ways that are wrong are not why people came to America,” said Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, Inc.

Tesla would not be successful if it wasn’t for our incredible employees. When we are hiring, we look for top talent with great discipline and passion for making the world a better place.

Tesla is committed to developing world-class teams to operate in a collaborative workplace.

Do not hesitate to contact

We are so thankful for all the dedication and support each of you give to make Tesla’s critical operation run smoothly. If you are returning to work, we are more excited than ever to welcome you back to Tesla!

We are committed to ensuring a communicative relationship with you about any issues. If you have any information regarding a potential COVID-19 case, contact security@tesla.com.

If anyone has any further questions about our preventative measures, do not hesitate to contact us EHS-Update@tesla.com

Warm regards,

Communications team of Tesla